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How to clear cache and browser history

Chris Yeskie

How to clear cache in Chrome


To clear cache and history in Google Chrome, please follow below steps:


1. Open Chrome: Launch the Google Chrome browser on your computer.


2. Access Settings: Click on the three-dot menu icon (⋮) located in the top-right corner of the browser window. This will open a dropdown menu. 

A close up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated3. Go to Settings: From the dropdown menu, select "Settings”


4. Navigate to Privacy and Security: Scroll down the Settings page until you find the "Privacy and security" section.


5. Clear Browsing Data: Under "Privacy and security," click on "Clear browsing data." This will open a new tab or window.


6. Choose Time Range: At the top of the "Clear browsing data" window, you can choose the time range for which you want to clear data. Select “all time”.


7. Select Data to Clear: Check the boxes next to the types of data you want to clear. This typically includes "Browsing history," "Download history," "Cookies and other site data," and "Cached images and files." You can also choose other types of data to clear if desired.


8. Click Clear Data: Once you've selected the data you want to clear and the time range, click on the "Clear data" button at the bottom of the window.

9. Complete: Once the “clear data” button has been clicked proceed to close all instances of the browser and reopen.

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